A* Interview #14: Rob Ashton, Hacker / Soon-To-Be-Erstwhile Peripatetic
Follow Rob on Twitter or on Github or on his personal site.
Read about (one of) Rob’s favorite musicans Mark Knopfler here
Learn about the A* Series and see more more interviews here.
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A* Interview #13: Daniel Peebles, iPhone Jailbreaker and Agda Wizard
Follow Daniel on Twitter or on Github.
Follow Daniel’s example and get started with Agda (because dedicated domains are for the insufficiently dedicated).
And if you want to step up your game, follow Dan’s advice and read some code from Edward Kmett’s Github.
Learn about the A* Series and see more more interviews here.
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The Mountain Goats go a lot of places.
The Books Behind Me During the A* Interviews
Since I was asked on Twitter. It should be noted that that shelf is where I keep my queue of books I have purchased but not yet read.
Pro Django – Alchin
Ready Player One – Ernest Cline
Cracking the Coding Interview – Laakmann, McDowell
From Counterculture to Cyberculture – Fred Turner
About Face 3, Essentials of Interaction Design – Cooper
Four Hour Body – Tim Ferris
The Paelo Manifesto – John Durant
Permutation City – Greg Egan
Antifragile – Nassim Taleb
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol 1 – Richard Feynman
Surfaces and Essenceses – Hofsteadter
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms – Cassirer
The Elements of Typographic Style – Bringhurst
Universal Principles of Design – Lidwell
A Tale of Two Cities – Dickens
The Success Equation – Maubousin
In the Heart of the Sea – Philbrick
Masters of Doom – Kushner
Coders at Work – Seibel
Customers Included – Hurst and Terry
Godel, Escher, Bach – Hofstadter
Futility – Gerhardie
The Frogs -Aristophanes
Den of Thieves – Stewart
Modernism – Peter Gay
Dithyrambs of Dionysus – Nietzsche
The Last Tycoon – Fitzgerald
Essays in Experimental Logic – Dewey
The Magic Mountain -Mann
Speech and Language Processing – Jurafsky, Martin
Database Management Systems – Gehrke
Semantic Web for the Working ontologist – Allemang, Hendler
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Law – Danchy
Much obliged to any commenter who’d like to provide the Amazon links.
A* Interview #12: RavenDB creator Ayende Rahein
Ed Note: Ayende is understandably very enthusiastic about RavenDB. So his first answer about it is very technical and rather long. If you’d like to skip to the rest of the easier-to-understand questions, start watching at 34:50
My top two lesson from Ayende:
1) It’s a lot easier to push yourself to improve if you care enough about what you’re working on to wake up for it at 4am.
2) It’s a big mistake to not admit you have a problem. Acknowledging badness is the first step to getting better.
Read about Ayende’s current favorite singer, Lily Allen
Read Ayende’s favorite recent book, Spellmonger by Terry Mancour
Ayende recommends you go read the lmdb codebase!
Read the story of the A# Interviews here. For future interviews, subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Twitter.
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A* Interview #11: Jon Skeet, All-Time Highest Reputation StackOverflow User
My top two lessons from Jon:
1) Most mistakes come from users not understanding their data
2) Great communication comes from a whole lot of practice, and it really pays off in your career
Some links:
Read some reasons why Jon Skeet is the Chuck Norris of coding
And finally, go buy “C# in Depth”!
Read the story of the A# Interviews here. For future interviews, subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Twitter.
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A* Interview #10: Ning Liang, Co-Founder of YC-backed RentMetrics and co-creator of HealthSherpa.com
Check out HealthSherpa
Follow him on Twitter here.
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Future of the Economy Part 5 – Lateral Productivity Growth
Back in the sky, back at the keyboard. Last time in this series, I made two claims:
1) The only way to consistently improve human well-being is to foster productivity growth.
2) Productivity only grows when people invent better methods of production (i.e better technology).
The economy is just a machine that turns raw commodities (e.g. iron) into
consumable products (e.g. corn flakes). The output of any given machine is
limited by how fast the machine can operate; a miner can only dig so fast and a
CPU can only cycle so fast. Machines tend to be made faster over time, but
usually at pretty slow and steady rate.
And consequently annual productivity growth over the last 100 years has been remarkable consistent at around 1-2%.
If we want productivity to grow faster than that, we can’t just speed up existing
processes. We have to implement completely new ones. Instead of getting faster
at harvesting bat guano, we need to invent synthetic fertilizer.
So…how do we do that? That’s the key question in this whole series.
Well, the way that humans do it through a specific type of intelligence commonly
called “lateral reasoning” (or sometimes just “creativity”.) Everyone has an
intuitive idea of what creative intelligence is: in a classic test, a child is
given a paperclip and asked to write down as many ways of using the paperclip as
she can. And from there it’s a pretty short leap to “how can I build a CO2
filter out of duct tape and a flight manual?”
Unlike its close cousin linear reasoning (i.e. 1+1=?), lateral reasoning is
rather poorly understood. So much so that it’s often treated with a sort of
mystic reverence
(cf. “a flash of inspiration”). And
it’s the last unironic refuge of the word “genius” in popular discourse (cf. “the creative
genius Steve Jobs”). And while computers have come to dominate humans at classical
intelligence tests like
the most advanced computer in the world can’t figure out how to fix a toaster [2].
But lateral reasoning is not magic. It actually works pretty much the same way as linear reasoning.
Consider a Chess game:
- Start in some situation, e.g. in check, down a knight.
- Using your knowledge of the rules, consider all legal moves (or use heuristics to only consider a subset).
- Imagine the sequence of potential consequences of each action and calculate the most promising path.
Now consider a lateral problem:
- Start in some situation, e.g. on a desert island with a can of beans and a rock.
- Using your knowledge of how the world works, figure out potential “moves” you can make, e.g. “smash the can with a rock”.
- Consider the consequences of your options and choose the best action.
The only difference is that linear problems tend to involve relatively
simple, clearly specified situations, a small numbers of simple rules, and a potentially enormous sequence of steps to solve. Whereas lateral
problems can often be solved in just a few steps but involve complex, nebulous situations
and an enormous number of complicated, underspecified rules.
Computers, at present, are fantastically adapted for the former type of problem
and terribly adapted for the later. But that’s going to change fast (even if I
have to change it myself.) Over the coming decades, we’re going to see an
explosion of computers designed to extend human lateral intelligence. And that’s
going to produce productivity gains unlike anything we’ve seen before.
Next time, I’ll tell you how it’s all going to happen.
[1] Even semi-exceptions like Moore’s law tend to be steady even if they aren’t slow.
[2] Unless Google can find an exact recipe some human wrote down.
A* Interview #9: C# and ECMA Committee Alum, Eric Lippert
Items mentioned in the interview:
Eric’s blog: Fabulous Adventures in Coding
Eric’s current company Coverity
The Inform7 programming language
The book “Writing Solid Code”
The Joel Spolsky “12 Steps to Better Code” checklist
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A* Interview #8: Targo Tennisberg, my first Estonian guest
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